Dinner Date Experience

A Dinner Date Experience with your favourite high class escort at Lancashire Escorts Agency will be laden with sensual intimate connection and social gratification.

Picture a successful date from start to finish, with no pressure to impress, flirtatious, and a desert that is every bit as sweet as it is decadent.
Despite the slight underlying nervousness to begin with. There is an undeniable sense of excitement that permeates your thoughts. The anticipation of engaging in stimulating conversation, and sharing laughter over culinary treats infuses the atmosphere with an electric sensual energy.

There are countless reasons to book a dinner date with a beautiful high class escort. You may have had a busy day full of back-to-back meetings, and want some downtime to enjoy the small pleasures of life without the common drawbacks.
Or maybe you are looking for something exciting, and traditional dating is just not for you. Whatever the reasons, we are social beings. The thrill of sitting down with a beautiful escort to dine together can foster that sense of intimacy that you crave.

Beyond the immediate social gratification of a dinner date. Lies what is yet to come, an encounter of full excitement of the senses.

This exhilarating meeting and loaded with innuendos. Our ladies love to get to know their clients, over a sensual dinner, it is just perfection.

If you are visiting Lancashire or the Lake District and would love the unrushed company of a high class British escort. This can be the perfect style of Booking for you, but If this arrangement isn't enough, and you would prefer a longer booking? For those who would like to go beyond and spend more time with their escort, check out our Overnight Experience, the ultimate girlfriend experience.

What To Expect from a Dinner Date With a High Class Escort

When you book this special style meeting with one of our girls, it typically lasts 4 hours.
The first 2 hours are social, the client has dinner/lunch with the lady at a Restaurant, and the last 2 hours are private at a hotel or the client's residence.

Clients can expect her to have impeccable social skills, eloquent, beautiful, friendly, and fun to be with. Our ladies are professional and sophisticated, they dress discretely according to the occasion. Clients are welcome to ask for a particular attire if they wish to.

These girls on our website are exclusive to Lancashire Escorts Agency. They will dedicate their full attention to you for the duration of the booking.

To book a Dinner Date we kindly ask clients to call us on 07920447567 with advance notice.